Local Economic Development Committee

  1. All matters requiring the attention of the committee and arising under the provisions of the relevant legislation, including any legislation by which such legislation is amended or repealed:
  2. Alienation and acquisition of immovable property and other transactions in respect of such immovable property:
  3. Management, maintenance and control of Corporate Land Assets:
  4. Property Valuation 
  5. Lease and Disposal of Municipal Property.
  6. Housing, both formal and informal, as facilitated by  the  Ramotshere Moiloa  Municipal Council 
  7. Land Valuation identification of land for commercial, housing, recreational, religious and or for any other purpose:
  8. All matters in respect of Building Plans, Sub-divisional Plans, rezoning and Township establishment.
  9. Matters dealing with Land Survey.
  10. Commercial and industrial development within the Ramotshere Moiloa Municipal area:
  11. Tourism in line with the Integrated Development Plan:
  12. Entrepreneurial development:
  13. Investment attraction, retention and expansion:
  14. All matters and initiatives pertaining to Black Economic Empowerment/Enhancement:
  15. Business incentives:
  16. Matters pertaining to the Municipal Economic Assets. 
  17. All matters relating to the Ramotshere Moiloa Development Initiative:
  18. Consideration of business plans for the Local Economic Development. 


Housing and Human Settlement Development Management


  1. Develop and Review all Housing related Policies, and make recommendations to the Executive Committee


Town Planning

  1. Consider budget and make recommendations to the Executive Committee.
  2. Monitor budget expenditure.
  3. Approved applications.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness and capacity of the unit and report to the Management Committee and if necessary the Executive Committee